[俚]骗子,以花言巧语骗人的人; [俚]过上了舒适懒散生活的人
con artists───骗子(conartist的复数)
op artist───光效应艺术家,视幻艺术家
pop artist───通俗艺术家;波普艺术家;流行艺术家
young artist───年轻艺术家
body artist───人体艺术;身体艺术(bodyart的变形)
folk artist───民间艺术
The con artist angled his way into the dinner party.───这个大骗子溜进了宴会中.
Is he a con artist?───他是一个骗局的艺术家吗?
She refused to marry that con artist.───她不肯嫁给那个骗子.
Bob dos his living as a con artist.───鲍勃是位行骗水平很高的人,并以行骗为生.
Danny used to be a short - con artist who excelled at card tricks and pick - pocketing.───丹尼曾是小拐小骗方面的艺术家,精于牌戏和摸包.
Or just a clever con artist?───或者他仅仅是一个聪明的骗子?
Bob makes his living as a con artist.───鲍勃是位行骗高手,并以行骗为生.
The con artist was posing as an investment banker.───该骗子乔装成一位投资银行家.
The con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt.───这个骗子把伦勃朗的真迹与赝品调包了.
He's a real con artist .
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