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词汇 compare prices
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compare notes───交换意见

cover prices───标价

share prices───股价

complex process───复杂过程

contract prices───[贸易]合约价格;发包价格

base prices───[物价]底价,基价

cash prices───现金最低价

comma splices───逗号误接句

company times───工作时间;公司上班时间


Consumers increasingly use the Internet to compare prices.───越来越多的消费者使用互联网来比较价格。

Shoppers usually travel only a few kilometres from home or work to compare prices.───购物者一般都会从家或工作场所出发,走上几公里比较商品的价格。

The majority go to the Internet first to get product information and compare prices.───大部分人会先从网上获取商品信息然后比较价格。

The euro makes it easy to compare prices across 16 countries, and the single market allows goods to move freely within the European Union.───欧元的使用方便了人们在欧盟16国里轻松地比较商品价格,单一的市场为商品在欧盟区自由流动提供了便利。

Thanks to the Internet, these days it's easy to compare prices for everything from digital cameras to cars.───多亏了互联网,从数字相机到汽车等每一样东西,现在要比较价格都很容易。

In the meantime, you can window shop, ask questions about product features, and compare prices so that you can be ready to buy later.───在此期间,你可以尽管windowshop,了解和询问产品的特点,同时货比三家,这样以来,六月你就可以直接出手。

"If you compare prices in Shanghai and Beijing relative to the average income there, there's a bubble, " he said.───“如果你把上海和北京的房价与平均收入相比,确实存在泡沫,”他说。

Search engines have made it ridiculously easy for every consumer to compare prices from every supplier instantly and effortlessly.───搜索引擎令每位用户即时轻松地比较所有供应商提供的价格不费吹灰之力。


Compare prices and renegotiate with your current vendors if are offered a better deal.

Sale of goods compare prices on makeup all over the web from "the" store and found, but also in the pattern "of" protopine.

A small retailer should compare prices with a similar store.

Get a few quotations from different firms so that you can compare prices.

Sold compare prices, research protopine Holiday Lights Home Birth products with online shopping.

If you are worried about his price or quality, you can still be open and aboveboard and just go visit other sellers to compare prices and quality.

Compare prices on living room chairs from around the Web store, to find items to sell, but also in the beginning protopine.

Morris Chair and compare prices.

Compare prices "all" over the pot from the shop on the web site and found that the sale "of" goods "and" protopine Home.

  • compares psw
  • compared synonym
  • compare means
  • compare prices
  • compared to




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