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词汇 common good
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common goods───法人的全部财产;普通货物

common bond───普通砌合

common cold───感冒

common goal───共同目标

common room───公共休息室

common toad───癞蛤蟆;盘古蟾蜍;大蟾蜍

common ground───(争论双方的)共同基础;一致之处

common chord───公弦

common colds───感冒


This adaptation for a variety of operating systems, common good performance.───本品适应多种操作系统, 通用性能较好.

They must work together, each in his proper sphere, for the common good of all.───它们必须各就各位, 为全体的共同利益而协力工作.

What victory means is not essentially controversial meaning of the common good is essentially controversial.───何谓胜利,不存在实质性争议,何谓共善却是有实质性争议的.

The old and the young are all doing their best for the common good.───不分老少,都在为大家的利益而竭尽全力工作着.

Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.───他们中的许多人置一己私利于集体利益之上。

The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good.───特殊利益会扼杀或凌驾于公共利益之上.

If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free.───如果人们坚持要摆脱自力更生的负担和对共同利益的责任,那他们将不再是自由的。

The common good comes right out of enlightened thought.───公共利益"是非常明显的启蒙思想

But a new and engaging relationship is imperative for our common good.───但对于我们的共同利益而言,建立新型良好关系势在必行.

Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good.───法律是维护公众利益的理性条令.

They were working hard for the common good and not for selfish interests.───他们这样苦干是为公而不是为私.

We must all work for the common good.───我们大家必须为公共的利益而工作.

It is concerned with the common good.───其关心的是公共利益。

The common good would best be served by keeping prices from rising too quickly.───阻止物价上涨过速,最能维护大众利益.

AWG for computer systems, fewer resources, common good, with a strong transplantation and high cost performance.───AWG占微机系统资源少, 通用性好, 具有较强的移植性和很高的性能价格比.

We must do everything in a spirit of individual sacrifice for the common good.───我们做任何一种事情都必须保持一种舍己为人的精神.

I am willing to sacrifice my commercial interests for the common good.───为了共同的利益,我甘愿牺牲我自己的商业利益.


Drunk-driving laws were made for the common good.

They work together for the common good.

The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good.

The government creates laws for the common good.

This decision was taken for the common good .

We must all work for the common good.

But her luminous conviction that working for the common good is our best calling is undimmed by any passing doubts.

Many of them placed self-interest before the common good.

Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good.

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