

词汇 半夜里用英语怎么说
释义 半夜里用英语怎么说

in the midnight


半夜里───in the midnight


I was wandering in the midnight soul belongs to the man who found my people.───我是游荡在午夜的灵魂属于那个发现我的人。

Roger hid the stolen statue in a wheelbarrow and came back for it in the midnight.───罗杰把偷来的雕像藏在手推车里,半夜来取。

He was annoyed at the noise from the construction site in the midnight.───他讨厌深更半夜从建筑工地上传来的噪音。

but i was in angry, so i insisted on driving him in the midnight. i told him many comfortless words , thrashed him terrificly, and so on.───但是我正在愤怒中,我坚持要他离开,我和他说了很多难听的话,使劲打他。

In the midnight, snow fell down heavily and the flakes were driven by the wind whirling in the air.───在午夜,雪沉重跌倒了,并且旋转在天空中的风驾驶剥落。

But who was seeking the ancient poetry and in the midnight deeper to go into the lake and set free the boat?───可又是谁来了觅古之诗情,夜半更深到湖里放舟去了?

The ox is used to eating grass at night and farmers often get up in the midnight and feed them, so we have chou, ox.───牛习惯夜间吃草,农家常在深夜起来挑灯喂牛,故称“丑牛”。

In the midnight, the citizens within the city struck up a cacophony of noise that startled the sleeping Yan troops.───午夜,沉睡中的燕国士兵被即墨城里刺耳的噪声惊醒。

After tons of housework, I was lazy in bed in the midnight watching TV while chatting with him via BBM.───夜半,百无聊赖的懒在床上看电视,有一搭无一搭的和他用黑莓短息聊天。


Dancing with the devil in the midnight sun.

Deeply in the ocean that surrounded by ice, I'm eagerly looking for the gap of hope, in vain. Yet, in the midnight, when I rouse from sleep, suddenly I see, the charming moonlight.

Back of snowboarder in the midnight sun.

This car is for real Cinderellas. But don't forget: in the midnight your vehicle will turn into jack-o'-lantern.

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