cold called───(向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防电话;冷不防上门推销
comic relief───n.喜剧性穿插;喜剧性调剂
so called───adj.所谓的
comic reliefs───n.喜剧性穿插;喜剧性调剂
Comic book fan Cage was once linked to a film version of Superman and has a son called Kal-El - the birth name given to the indestructible hero.───凯奇作为漫画书粉丝曾经与“超人”挂钩(?)并且将自己的儿子取名Kal - El这位坚不可摧的英雄的本名。
yellow journalism came from a popular New York World comic called "Hogan's Alley," which featured a yellow-dressed character named the "the yellow kid."───黄色新闻之名来自当时非常畅销的《纽约世界报》漫画“霍根小巷”(Hogan's Alley),它以一位身着黄色大衣的“黄孩子”为标志。
Variety called Grant's performance in the film "as sly an overthrow of a star's polished posh – and nice – poster image as any comic turn in memory".───综艺》杂志称格兰特的表演“比以往任何喜剧表演都巧妙地推翻了一位明星时髦优雅的海报形象。”
And there was this old comic called Jack Daw, who'd missed the boat on account of booze.
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