到手, 收到
come in handy───迟早有用
come to pass───实现;发生
come to a head───v.达到紧急关头;成熟;出脓
come to an end───v.结束
come to handgrips───抓紧
come and───来吧
come forward───涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论
come round───苏醒;顺道拜访;改主意,转向
come to life───苏醒;表现生动;振作起来
Mr Bellerive also points out that at least 40% of any aid money goes on the salaries, insurance, cars and so on of the foreigners who come to hand it out.───贝勒里夫总理还指出外国援助最起码有40%花在了外国人的薪水,保险,汽车上。
Your letter come to hand.───你的来信我已收到.
Potentially " high - yielding " clones are likely to be the material which first come to hand.───有 “ 高产 ” 可能的无性系大概首先是随手可得的材料.
We are looking forward to releasing the results of the drilling as they come to hand.───我们期待着释放结果钻探,因为它们来的手。
And then we must come to hand, and shut down, without a little mercy.───然后还来一手绝的, 关机, 不带一点怜悯.
A dreadful rumor has come to hand.───我听到可怕的谣言.
If at first you put things they haven't come to hand in advance to others, you will lose the desire of the fight for.───如果那你一开始便把自己还没到手的东西预支给别人,那你就会失去为之奋斗的愿望。
A wise man will make tools of what come to hand.───智者身边物,可当工具用.
- come way
- comes from
- come his way
- come on bitch
- come in close
- come upto
- come sout
- comely meaning
- come an
- come on cone on turn the radio
- comeliness define
- comedienne gasteyer crossword
- come to terms with sth
- come school
- comeoye rmake
- come my home
- come get my love
- come sail away
- cometary coma
- come alone
- come on to