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词汇 talent show
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n.业余歌手演唱会; 选秀节目,选秀比赛


talent shows───选秀节目

tent show───帐篷秀

galanty show───n.影子戏

talent scout───n.人才发掘者;伯乐

talk show───脱口秀;访谈节目

galanty shows───n.影子戏

talent scouts───n.人才发掘者;伯乐

talking shop───三句话不离本行,说行话

talent spotter───人才观察者


Who won the talent show ? By what, dancing or singing?───谁在有奖竞赛中获胜? 哪方面?跳舞还是唱歌?

Mary was born in Athens , favorite dance age, when small dance talent show.───玛利亚出生于雅典, 自幼喜爱舞蹈, 很小的时候就表现出舞蹈天分.

Some people off their cooking skills or compete in a talent show.───有些人会炫耀他们的烹饪技艺或或参加才艺表演.

Last week's talent show was a great success.───上个星期的才艺表演获得了巨大的成功.

Last week's talent show a great success.───上周的才艺表演取得了很大的成功.

Can you dance? We need some more actors for the talent show?───你会跳舞 吗 ?我们这次才艺演出需要更多的演员.

Troy and I will be doing it in the talent show.───我跟特洛伊要在才艺秀上唱.

The junior students gathered together in lecture theatre and enjoyed the English Talent Show.───当夜幕降临,同学们齐聚阶梯教室共同享受了一场精彩纷呈的英语才艺大赛.

Following, I declare, True self graceful bearing for talent show Let's begin.───下面, 我宣布, 真我风采才艺展示联欢会现在开始.

Heard of them are in Hulu Si, is prepared to test the arts talent show preparation.───听说师傅正在学葫芦丝, 是在准备艺考时的才艺展示做准备.

She was the winner of a famous TV talent show.───她是一个著名的电视选秀节目的冠军。

The talent show in the evening drew the curtain with guitar playing.───晚间的才艺表演在吉它的弹唱中拉开序幕.

Our class is organizing a talent show to save money for charity.───我们班正在组织一场才艺表演,为慈善事业筹款.

Sharpay : These are not my chums! They'll steal my talent show.───他们才不是什么密友呢! 他们会抢走我的才艺秀的.

Do they like the talent show ? And why?───他们喜欢看才艺秀 吗 ?为什么?

talent show wound down.───才能展示秀渐渐接近尾声了。

Alex : Sort of a show of skill? Talent show?───亚历克斯: 显示技能? 才艺表演?

The Got Talent show is where dreams take center stage.───在达人秀的舞台上,梦想倍受瞩目。


Last week's talent show a great success.

Do they like the talent show ? And why?

In Nature's talent show, humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act.

To register for the talent show, call 792-0219.

Last week's talent show was a great success.

Or better still, make a real talent show instead.

Regular Class, Sign up Talent Show, Earthquake Drill.

Mary won the talent show by her dancing.

The first act in the talent show is the Great Gregorini, a magician.

  • talent acquisition
  • talent pool expanding
  • talent in
  • talent shows
  • talented show
  • talent contest
  • talented athletes
  • talents evolve
  • talent girl




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