

词汇 all for one
释义 all for one
all for one发音



all in one───多合一

ill fortune───坏运气;晦气;厄运

small fortune───〈非正式〉大量的钱

all at once───突然

all for───完全赞成;急于得到

all found───供给一切必需品

all one───都一样


All for one idea. Get the ball in the net.───都是为了一个目标,要球进网。

We named the pictures' All for One, One for All. '... my girls lessened my sense of unease and I hope they will always remember that scary stuff isn't quite so scary when you can laugh about it.───这组照片被命名为“大家为我,我为大家”。我的女儿们安慰了我,我也希望他们永远记得当我们能够举重若轻的对待这种可拍的疾病时,其实病也就没那么可怕了。

I would have eagerly traded it all for one tablet PC or e-reader.───我会渴望把所有这些东西换成一个平板电脑或者电子阅读器。

Advocate character self-restraint and aged respected, diligent work, plain, promote formation for all, all for one of the social atmosphere.───提倡修身律己、尊老爱幼、勤勉做事、平实做人,推动形成我为人人、人人为我的社会氛围。

All for one, one for all -That's what my mother told me!───一为全那,一全部正是我妈妈告诉我!

The typical profit sharing plan where it is "one for all and all for one" does not motivate anyone.───典型的利润分享计划,它是“一个为所有人和所有为”不鼓励任何人。

You already approach these topics from an Aquarian "all for one and one for all" , brotherhood, and originality perspective.───你已经接触这些题目从水瓶“大家为一人,并为所有”,兄弟情谊和独创性的观点。

If these washing machine, all for one year about water can be a quarter of 714 kunming lake or 93 huairou reservoir.───如把这些洗衣机全都换成节水洗衣机,一年大约能节出714个昆明湖或93个怀柔水库。

All-for-one-and-one-for-all is great motivation, but it rarely gets a line of code written.───“所有对一个和一个对所有(all-for-one-and-one-for-all)”是极好的动机,而且几乎不需要编写一行代码。


All for one and one for all. Alexandre Dumas 

All for one, one for all. 

One for all, all for one.

  • all possessive pronouns adjectives
  • allness define
  • allegorical element
  • all look great
  • all turn on
  • all is not lost
  • all my friend
  • allotted to
  • allonge toi
  • all me
  • allaying worries
  • all star
  • alluding to
  • all for one
  • alleging infringement
  • all share play
  • all at all
  • all in game
  • all is on time
  • all live
  • all out




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