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词汇 come out of the closet
释义 come out of the closet
come out of the closet发音




comes out of the closet───从壁橱里出来

came out of the closet───从壁橱里出来

to come out of the closet───从壁橱里出来

coming out of the closet───公开谈论以前视为秘密的事情;公开承认自己是同性恋

come out of the doldrums───走出低迷

come out of the woodwork───从阴暗角落爬出;公开露面

come out in the wash───真相大白


I wish I could say that I decided to come out of the closet in my early twenties for more admirable reasons-such as for love or the principle of the thing.───我想我可以说,我在二十岁出头的时候决定出柜是缘于更值得赞美的原因——比如爱,比如原则。

with this position tend to either come out of the closet with a bang or remain there forever. You are unlikely to be in between.───你会很可能会倾向于在两性表达方面或者瞬间爆发出来,或者长久的压抑。

Come out of the closet!───别再不切实际了!

I suggest you come out of the closet.───我建议你从衣柜出来。


Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet.

Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet.

Could the guy just come out of the closet?

I think it's time that you come out of the closet.

Coming out of the closet is more significant to white lesbians.

Come out of the closet!

But if you come out of the closet and admit, at least to yourself, that there is such a thing as good and bad design, then you can start to study good design in detail.

Once people decide to come out of the closet, it is pretty easy to do here.

I suggest you come out of the closet.

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