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词汇 combat boots
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combat boot───(中筒)军靴

combat troops───作战部队

combat zones───战斗区域,作战区

cowboy boots───牛仔靴;牧童靴

car boots───汽车后备箱

comb outs───仔细搜寻;裁减;挑选

combat cars───轻型装甲车

combat duty───作战任务

combat gears───战斗装备


I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.───我痛恨你那笨重的军靴和你了解我的方式。

I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way read my mind.───我恨你笨重的陆战靴,恨你猜透我的心思。

The ACU will consist of a jacket, trousers, moisture wicking T-shirt and the brown combat boots.───ACU将会由一件上衣。单裤。吸汗的T恤和褐色靴子组成。

Another time, a small, wiry man in combat boots and shorts was apprehended trying to break down the front door.───还有一次,一个个头矮小、精瘦结实、穿着军靴和短裤的男子,因为企图损坏官邸的前门,被逮捕了。

When she wandered into the Mousetrap, she was wearing combat boots and hadn't shaved her legs in a year.───当她混进电影《捉鼠器》参加表演时,她穿着武士靴,有一年都没刮腿上的毛了。

Current standard issue combat boots do not offer much protection against anti- personnel landmines .───现有的标准款战斗靴不能有效防止步兵雷。

The sleeves of his camouflage shirt are cut off and his combat boots are untied.───迷彩服的袖子被剪掉了,战斗靴也解开了。

His uniform--he prefers that term to costume--is black combat boots, green cargo pants and a T-shirt.───他的制服——他喜欢这样叫他的衣服——是黑色格斗靴、工装裤和T恤衫。

Provides better anti-personnel landmine protection than standard combat boots.───比标准战斗靴提供更有效的步兵雷防护。


My fatigue pants were so baggy they almost concealed my combat boots.

Army surplus stores report a stream of buyers for gas masks, water-purification tablets, survival knives - even combat boots.

A barrage of ghosts wearing combat boots and carrying clubs surface from your subconscious.

May, who had denied any wrongdoing, hanged himself a week ago with the laces from his combat boots.

Black has gone out with Doc Martens combat boots, and color has come in.

He wore a black cowboy hat, black shirt, fatigue pants, combat boots.

Only a few had helmets and combat boots; most wore berets or cotton bush hats.

He heard her stomp across the floor as if she were wearing combat boots.

Always in their macho combat boots.

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