colour bar───(英)种族歧视;彩条
color bars───n.对有色人种的歧视;种族隔离
colour bars───(英)种族歧视;彩条
color chart───比色图表
color guard───护旗队;扛旗者(等于colourguard)
color charts───比色图表
color guards───护旗队;扛旗者(等于colourguard)
color in───填色,用颜色填
Note how multiple colors make up the graduated color bar and that their index values vary in a relatively inconsistent manner.───注意多种颜色如何构成渐变的颜色条及其索引值以相对不一致的方式变化。
The incident light exposure for the scanner in different color bar code different surface effect occurs.───扫描器的入射光照射在不同颜色条形码表面,会发生不同效果的反射.
Listing 2 demonstrates some of the ways the appearance of the color bar can be customized.───清单2举例说明了定制颜色条外观的一些方法。
value of 100 corresponds to the full length of the visible color bar.───值为100对应的是可见的颜色条的全长。
- color schemes
- coloradoite definition
- color blindness
- colored ballons
- coloring books
- colorimeter cielab
- colored pencil drawings
- color offset
- color blind glasses cost
- colorable birthday cards printable
- color zoo
- colorful days
- color monster
- colorless tsukuru tazaki
- color nametickle pink
- colored colorful
- color drain
- colorful eggs
- coloring agent
- colorman define
- color blind simulator