cold call───(向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防电话;冷不防上门推销
cold case───非常不好的境况;穷困;倒霉
cold cash───现金
cold rain───冷雨
cola nut───可乐果
cold war───n.冷战;n.《寒战》(电影名)
Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.───被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗。
The chemicals in coca cola can be very effective to help neutralize the pain of jellyfish stings.───可口可乐的化学成分对水母蜇伤有很强的止痛效果。
It looks like an ordinary Coca-Cola can, but it's also a Coca-Cola camera. Nobody will ever find out there are being recorded with that.───看起来好似普通可乐罐,但它可乐摄像头。把东西摆在桌子上,任何人都想它居然是干偷拍用的。
If Coca-Cola can dissolve a tooth overnight, imagine what it must be doing to your teeth, not to mention your stomach and digestive tract!───如果可口可乐一夜就能溶解牙齿,得考虑一下你的牙齿究竟怎么了,更不用说你的胃和消化道!
Coca-Cola can be used to clean the toilet, remove grease stains and loosen rusty bolts.───可口可乐可以用来清洗厕所,去除残留油渍,还可以用来松开生锈的螺栓。
The iconic manufactured goods of modern life are the iPod and the cruise missile, the Viagra tablet and the Coca-Cola can.───现代生活中标志性的制造业产品是iPod、巡航导弹、伟哥药片和可口可乐罐。
An empty bottle of Coca Cola can greatly change the quality of one's art. Ordinary matters can bear extremely important messages.───一个空的可口可乐瓶子可以彻底改变人类的艺术,平常之物可以承载不可思议的重要信息。
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