The relationship became tense
He is full of nervous energy.───他精力充沛.
They suffered from nervous tension when the signal was shown on a radarscope.───当雷达显示器上出现信号时他们感到紧张.
He's taking a dangerous drug: it acts very fast on the central nervous system.───他正在服用一种危险的药物:这种药物能很快影响到中枢神经系统。
His wife would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervous breakdown.───他的妻子将无法接受,也许会精神崩溃。
That elderly gentleman was exceedingly on the jump , as nervous as a man well could be.───那位老绅士坐立不安, 紧张得不得了.
Even the slightest offence would make Jack nervous.───即使是极轻微的触犯也会使杰克激动起来.
It's perfectly normal to be nervous before a performance.
Consumers are very nervous about the future.
She felt nervous and insecure.
- 好紧张用英语怎么说
- 关系变紧张用英语怎么说
- 别紧张用英语怎么说
- 你紧张吗用英语怎么说
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- 在考试前感到紧张是正常的用英语怎么说
- 当时我非常紧张用英语怎么说
- 请问考试前不要紧张用英语怎么说
- 紧张的一天用英语怎么说
- 一点紧张用英语怎么说
- bit nervous
- emphatic nervous system
- nervous system
- be nervous
- plexuses nervous system
- nervous laughter
- central nervous system
- nervous breakdowns
- anorexia nervous
- nervous tissue