About Harry Potter
哈利波特───Harry Potter;关于───about
He likes to read books such as the Harry Potter series.───(他喜欢读书,例如系列).
Yesterday I finished reading Harry Potter book 7 Deathly Hallows.───昨天我看完了《哈利波特》第7部“死圣”.
In the Harry Potter series, the nonlethal Expelliarmus charm is one of Harry Potter's signature moves.───在《哈利波特》系列中,非致命的 Expelliarmus 魔法是哈利·波特的招牌魔法之一。
And third to Mr. Harry Potter, for and outstanding courage.───第三,奖励哈利波特师长教师, 因为他胆识过人,勇气可嘉.
Harry Potter : Get off! They're my letters! Let's go of me!───哈利·波特: 这是我的信, 放开我!
Harry Potter: Give me here, Malfoy. Or knock you off your broom!───哈利·波特: 给我, 马尔福. 不然我就把你踢下扫帚!
Re - telling the Harry Potter story is a popular pastime.───《哈利.波特》编外成为流行消遣.
He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.───它甚至有可能出现在哈利波特其中一部电影中.
Is the new Harry Potter book out yet?
In his new film Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince out this week, Radcliffe kisses Ginny Weasley, played by Bonnie Wright.
Harry Potter: Make a wish, Harry.
The fourth Harry Potter story broke all records by selling 372,775 copies on its first day.
People were queuing up for the new Harry Potter book to arrive - hot off the press.
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