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词汇 cloudy weather
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chilly weather───寒冷的天气

cooler weather───凉爽的天气

foul weather───恶劣的气候,坏天气

stormy weather───暴风雨天气;暴风雪

windy weather───有风的天气

autumn weather───秋天的气象

bad weather───恶劣的天气

balmy weather───温暖的天气

chammy leather───羚羊皮;山羊皮


Such cloudy weather can wear people's volition.───这种阴阴的天气最是消磨人的意志。

Today, by high - pressure control, our country in most areas for the sunny to cloudy weather.───今日, 受高压控制, 我国大部地区为晴到多云天气.

Uh - oh, I hate cloudy weather.───喔, 我烦死阴天了.

We can fly with the wind in sunny or cloudy weather.───我们和风一起飞在晴朗的或多云的天气里.

I don't like cloudy weather.───我不喜欢多云的天气.

First is cloudy weather because clouds are very reflective.───首先是多云天气,云层反射能力很强.

Trade volume of residential growth, price stability, cloudy weather.───商品住宅成交量增长, 均价平稳, 多云天气.

Other airports for the airworthiness sunny to cloudy weather.───其他机场为晴到多云的适航天气.

Trade volume of residential growth, a slight drop in average price, cloudy weather.───商品住宅成交量增长, 均价小幅下降, 多云天气.

The cloudy weather will continue until next Tuesday.───多云的天气会持续到下周二。

Some radiation can be captured even in cloudy weather.───一些辐射可以捕获,即使在多云的天气.

It was late in the autumn, with rainy and cloudy weather.───这是晚秋季节, 天气多雨而阴沉.

Cloudy weather may also have cut the tempo of attacks on ground targets.───多云的天气可能也减缓了对地面目标攻击的速度。


Such cloudy weather can wear people's volition.

Uh - oh, I hate cloudy weather.

Other airports for the airworthiness sunny to cloudy weather.

The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no precipitation expected.

uh-oh, I hate cloudy weather.

  • cloudy bay
  • cloudy day
  • cloudy melatonin diffuser




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