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词汇 climbing down
释义 climbing down
climbing down发音



clamping down───取缔;施加压力,强行压制

lambing down───羔羊

slimming down───消瘦

calming down───平静下来;镇定下来

climb down───爬下;让步

climbed down───爬下;让步

climbing fern───攀缘蕨类


They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.───他们把床单绞成绳子,缘绳而下逃走了。

The policeman is climbing down the tall building to save the child.───警察正从大楼上爬下来去救那个孩子。

He skinned his knees climbing down the tree.───他从树上爬下来时把膝盖蹭破了。

At first the only light rose from below him, as though he were climbing down some sort of bottleneck.───开始,只有亮光从他的正下方照上来,好象他是在爬下瓶颈一类的东西。

He got to the beanstalk and climbed as quick as he could, but to his horror, the giant also started climbing down after him.───他跑到了豆茎那里,尽可能快地爬下去。但恐怖的是,巨人也开始跟着往下爬。

It was now evening and a light wind was blowing , so I lowered the sails before climbing down a rope and into the sea .───现在已经是晚上了,微风轻拂,我降下帆,然后顺着一条绳子下到海里。

Some residents escaped by climbing down scaffolding that had been put up for the renovations.───很多居民通过从脚手架上爬下来逃生,这些脚手架是为翻修大楼设置的。

Everywhere you turn, you see him: climbing down a chimney, rocking in a chair and rattling along on his sleigh.───不管你朝哪里看,都能看见他:或是从烟囱上爬下来,或是在椅子上摇来摇去,或是咔哒咔哒地驾着雪橇。

Climbing Down Ladders: A creature on a rooftop and next to a ladder square can spend 2 squares of its movement to climb down the ladder.───爬下楼梯:生物所佔据的屋顶方格有邻接著楼梯方格时,可以使用2格的行动力来爬下楼梯。


Robert Jordan was climbing down into the framework of the bridge.

The prisoner escaped from the prison by knotting the sheets together and climbing down them out to the window.

The burglar escaped by climbing down a drainpipe.

They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.

It was pretty hairy climbing down the cliff.

He skinned his knees climbing down the tree.

We twisted the bed sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it.

Aiu was climbing down from outside as soon as listening his name called.

It got pretty hairy climbing down the cliff.

  • climbing walls
  • climbing mountains
  • climbing down
  • climbing roses
  • climbing mountain




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