

词汇 你能在十点前读完这本书吗用英语怎么说
释义 你能在十点前读完这本书吗用英语怎么说

Can you finish reading the book by ten


十点前───By ten o'clock;读完───finish reading


The plane will surely arrive by ten o'clock.───飞机十点钟一定会到达。

By ten o'clock Lee still hadn't appeared.───到十点钟李仍然没有露面。

She should be back by ten o'clock at the latest.───她最晚应该在10点钟回来。

He told his mother his homework would have been finished by ten o'clock.───他告诉他妈妈,他的家庭作业十点能完成。

rule against us kids hanging out downtown late at night. We all have to be home by ten o'clock. And no exceptions, either!───对于我们这些孩子们晚上在市区里和朋友一起玩,我们家有一条不可动摇的规则。我们都得在晚上十点以前回到家里,而且不许有任何例外!

(without fail) You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.───你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。


Be back by ten o'clock.

By ten o'clock I was feeling rather peckish, even though I'd had a large breakfast.

By ten o'clock the bar was crowded.

She should be back by ten o'clock at the latest.

We rode like the wind and by ten o'clock had come to the edge of the forest of Zenda.

  • 我必须十点前睡觉用英语怎么说
  • 你能在十点前读完这本书吗用英语怎么说
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