Are you from Seoul
首尔───Seoul;来自───come from
He was caught cheating during the Seoul Olympics and humiliatingly stripped of his title.───他被发现在汉城奥运会上作弊,因此遭极不光彩地剥夺了冠军称号。
They say these flyers are pasted all over Seoul!───他们说这种告示贴满了整个汉阳!
Our city is twinned with Seoul.───本市与汉城结成姊妹市.
While in Seoul I always stop with my sister.───在首尔时我总是住在姐姐那里.
Which is the most direct way to Seoul?───到首尔哪一条路最近?
I went to Seoul in March this year.───三月我去了首尔。
Results Seoul like virus RNA were detected from 11 of 14 patients.───结果 14例肾综合征出血热患者中,11例患者的血清用RTPCR 检出家鼠型汉坦病毒核酸.
The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes' capabilities now.───4年前在首尔制定的标准将远远低于目前运动员的水平。
While in Seoul I always stop with my sister.
- 韩国首尔用英语怎么说
- 你来自首尔吗用英语怎么说
- hide seoul
- parched seoul
- seoul side