

词汇 clean up your act
释义 clean up your act
clean up your act发音




to clean up your act───来清理你的行为

clean up one's act───改变生活方式;端正作风;改进作风

chance your arm───试试你的胳膊

clean up on───清理

clear your debt───还清你的债务

play your ace───打出你的王牌

hang up your boots───把靴子挂起来

prick up your ears───竖起你的耳朵

blow up in your face───在你脸上炸开


Shirley: Congratulations! Clean up your act!───雪莉:祝贺你啊!好好表现吧!

We don't want the company to fail we just want you to clean up your act .───我们不想该公司失败的,我们只是想让你清理你的行为。

Clean up your act before you take it on the road.───上路前先检点一下自己的行为。

If that happens, you can clean up your act, stop the bad practices, and appeal to the search engines to get reinstated.───如果发生这种情况,你可以清理你的行为,制止一些不良行为,并呼吁搜索引擎得到恢复。

You'd better clean up your act if you want to be regarded as a good boy.───如果你想让人把你看成一个好男孩,得好好表现哟。

Shirley: Congratulations! Clean up your act!───祝贺你啊!好好表现吧!

C'mon, Janey, clean up your act so you don't become a joke Blonde ? or a Blonde joke!───赶快,珍尼,整理一下自己的行为,你才不会变成一个可笑的金发女人,或者一个金发女人的笑话!

You'd better clean up your act, if you want to go to a good school.───如果你想进好学校的话就要洗心革面,奋发图强。


You're going to have to clean up your act if you're serious about keeping your job.

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