He lacks practical ability
This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.───这种行为被认为是浪费而不获认可。
Thrift has become the prevailing practice.───节约成风.
My solicitor is no longer in practice.───我的律师已不再执业了。
Even great musicians require constant practice.───即使是伟大的音乐家也需要不断的练习.
I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.───我想他们不是真的背离传统习惯.
Skill comes with practice.───熟能生巧。
The practice is to keep on record any analysis of samples.───习惯上要把所有的样品分析记录在案。
Genuine knowledge comes from practice.───实践出真知.
The practice had far-reaching environmental consequences.
If u practice hard, u'll get a gold medal.
With practice, you should become proficient within six months.
You ought to practice more.
They found the three engaged in target practice.
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- supervised practice
- code of practice
- in practice
- arboricultural practices
- cryptogram practice
- l practice
- arpeggio practice guitar
- practiced in
- clinical practice
- band practice