He lives in Guangdong
住在───live in
Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild.───只有不到1,000只大熊猫仍然在野外生活。
We live in a capitalist society.───我们生活在资本主义社会。
I solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe.───我郑重发誓,总有一天我将回到欧洲生活。
Some of them live in places quite a long way from here.───他们中有些人住的地方离这里很远。
The elderly live in fear of assault and murder.───老人们生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧之中。
Do relatives of yours still live in Siberia?───你的亲属仍然住在西伯利亚吗?
We do not live in an ideal world.───我们并非生活在完美的世界里。
We live in an imperfect world.───我们活在一个不完美的世界里。
You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.───你不能自己缩在套子里而忽略这些事实。
We don't live in the lap of luxury, but we're comfortable.───我们的生活虽然并非锦衣玉食,也算是衣食无忧。
They who live in a worryInvite death in a hurry.
To live in the hearts of those left behind is not to die.
They [People] who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy.
Dons at Oxford live in college.
They now live in relative comfort .
They live in a rough part of town.
The prisoners are forced to live in abominable conditions.
He that would live in peace and rest must hear and see, and say the best.
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