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词汇 chronic inflammation
释义 chronic inflammation
chronic inflammation发音




cause inflammation───引起炎症

reduce inflammation───消炎

muscle inflammation───肌肉炎症

tissue inflammation───组织炎症

basic information───基本信息;基本资料

card information───卡片信息

chronic condition───慢性疾病;长期状况


Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils caused by repeated and acute infections.───慢性扁桃体炎是由扁桃体急性感染的重复发作所引起的扁桃体慢性炎症.

Results: Xialian granule can inhibited acute and chronic inflammation reaction and obviously inhibited thyroid enlargement.───结果: 夏莲颗粒剂不仅能明显减轻急、慢性炎症反应,且对甲状腺肿有明显的抑制作用.

This condition is generally asymptomatic. It results from long - standing chronic inflammation.───通常无临床表现, 由 长期 的慢性炎症引起.

Chronic inflammation can lead to heart disease, so keeping inflammation under control is a major part of preventive treatment.───慢性炎症能够导致心脏病,因此保证炎症可控是预防性治疗的主要方面。

Infiltration of chronic inflammation cell was discovered in periapical tissues with no microorganism observed.───根尖周组织中以慢性炎细胞浸润为主,未见有微生物.

Multiple biopsies were taken and the results showed chronic inflammation.───病理切片报告仅显示为慢性发炎.

The histopathologic examination confirmed the pseudocystic wall and chronic inflammation of the gland.───术后因囊肿造成的压迫症状立即得到缓解.

You can find both acute and chronic inflammation here.───也可以见到急性炎症和慢性炎症同时出现的病例.

Chronic inflammation, whether from an irritated bowel disease, inflamed gums, or an autoimmune disease, weakens the arteries in both the heart and the head.───慢性炎症,无论是来自一种令人恼火的肠道疾病,牙炎,或自身免疫性疾病,削弱了在心脏和头部两者间的动脉。

Chronic inflammation has been linked to pancreatic cancer risk.───慢性炎症可能会和胰腺癌有关系.

According to reports, Asthma is a chronic inflammation in the airway characterized by chronic respiratory diseases.───据介绍, 哮喘是一种以气道慢性炎症为特征的慢性呼吸道疾病.

Acne is a dermatosis marked by chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous disease frequently.───痤疮是临床常见的多发性毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性皮肤病,发病率较高,易反复发作.

Chronic inflammation, however, can be a problem (as in arthritis) and acute inflammation in the form of toxic shock is life-threatening.───不过,慢性炎症(像关节炎)却是件棘手的事,还有中毒性休克这样的急性炎症更会危及生命。

Chronic inflammation can be seen in conjunction with some degree of scarring.───慢性炎症会与一定程度的瘢痕形成同时发生.

Chronic inflammation is more difficult to understand, because it is so variable.───由于慢性炎症的多变, 因此更难理解.

The whelk is the skin common one kind of hair - follicle sebaceous glands'chronic inflammation skin question.───芳华痘是皮肤常见的一种毛囊皮脂腺的慢性炎症性皮肤问题.

Any of various cytokines produced acute and chronic inflammation that mobilize and activate white blood cells.───由急慢性炎症产生的能调动和激活白血细胞的多种细胞因子.

Pathologic exam: 7 and chronic inflammation, 13 chronic inflammation with hyperplasia.───结果: 病理报告慢性炎症7例, 慢性炎症伴组织增生3例.


Chronic inflammation has been linked to pancreatic cancer risk.

Biopsies showed chronic inflammation but no evidence of malignancy.

Chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation of the tonsils caused by repeated and acute infections.

Pathological diagnosis of the third eyelid was chronic inflammation.

Again, biopsies showed only chronic inflammation.

This was characterised by moderate active chronic inflammation in the lamina propria.

"Chalazion" is a chronic inflammation caused mass, less pain, a site further away from the eyelid margin.

Doctors call this reaction chronic inflammation to distinguish it from the immediate, acute reaction or injury or allergy.

Acne is a dermatosis marked by chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous disease frequently.

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