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词汇 aid agencies
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ad agencies───广告公司

wire agencies───电信公司


aid agency───援助机构

dating agencies───约会代办处;婚姻介绍所

news agencies───通讯社

Indian agencies───印度机构

ad agency───广告代理



growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies.───日益增多的到泰国寻求避难的人数开始让西方援助机构感到担忧。

Many have expressed dismay at the ICC's decision and yet said nothing about the expulsion of the aid agencies.───许多国家对国际刑事法庭的决定表示了不满,却对这些援助机构被驱逐不置一词。

The Israeli military has denied using white phosphorus during the assault on Gaza, but aid agencies say they have no doubt it has been used.───以军已否认在对加沙的进攻中使用白磷,但是一些援助机构声称,他们确信白磷已被用作武器。

This may be a sad reflection on the modern world, but it also provides aid agencies with a rare opportunity to help those in need.───也许这是现代生活的一种悲惨现象的反映,但它也为援助机构提供了极好的机会去帮助那些需要帮助的人。

Many of the children are sick, and the families have had no contact with any aid agencies.───许多儿童生病,他们的家人与任何救助机构都没有任何联系。

Aid agencies also say Burma may need food assistance for at least a year to support communities devastated by Cyclone Nargis.───国际援助机构同时表示,缅甸可能至少在未来一年,都需要食品援助,来救助那些在纳尔吉斯风暴中受灾的民众。

It has also become a hub for western diplomats, businessmen, aid agencies and military people going in and out of Iraq.───安曼还是西方国家外交官、商人、机构和军人出入伊拉克的中转点。

Aid agencies already fear that this will undo decades of development efforts in poor parts of the world.───援助机构已经担心,全球贫困地区几十年的发展成果将由此付诸东流。


Aid agencies are calling for local volunteers to help them distribute food and medicine.

The aid agencies were starting to sound panicky, as well they might.

Unfortunately, governments, aid agencies and the United Nations have an extremely poor record of being able to organise anything.

Aid agencies are making mercy flights into the flood region.

Aid agencies have been unable to get through to the thousands of refugees stranded on the border.

International Aid Agencies have chartered ships to transport supplies to the disaster area.

Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civilians in the war zone.

The aid agencies have enough on their plate without having unnecessary visitors to look after.

Aid agencies still fear that crop substitution projects will endanger the lives of their staff.

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