

词汇 central character
释义 central character
central character发音



control character───[计]控制字符

control characters───[计]控制字符

eccentric character───怪癖

anal character───肛门性格

moral character───品德

anal characters───肛门性格

cartoon character───卡通人物

female character───雌性性征

lead character───主要角色


central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.───中心角色是个开枪杀人并遭了报应的坏蛋。

The murderer is the book's central character.───凶手是本书的中心人物。

The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.───这部影片是自传式的,主角由科勒德亲自扮演。

In many ways it was more of the same, but without a central character as oddly compelling and sad as Heath.───在很多方面,内容都差不多,但却没有一个像希斯这样特别引人注目的悲情主人公。

The central character is a likeable and dedicated policeman with a dry sense of humour.───主人公是一位可爱而又敬业的警察,经常缺少幽默感。

It is a love song where the central character appeals to his girlfriend to accept him - even though he has no possessions.───这是一首情歌,歌词的大意是,男主人跟要求他的女朋友接受他,就算是他一无所有。

The opposition is usually a person with the same goal or for some reason opposes the central character's goal.───反面角色通常会跟主角有相同的目标,或者因为某些原因,反对主角的目标。

I vaguely recall a story in which the central character did everything he could to save time, counting out the seconds banked.───我大致记得一个故事,主人公尽一切所能节约时间,一分一秒都不放过。

A little noticed but central character of such vivisystems is that this paradoxical essence is contagious.───少有人注意到活系统的这种似是而非的中心特质是具传染性的。


Then the central character has to be the detective who eventually must solve the mystery.

The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.

Wingo is the troubled central character of Conroy's novel.

The central character of the novel is a sort of underworld figure.

The central character presents the case for Mackay's individualist anarchism.

The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.

Donna Barbara had a woman as central character.

The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.

The central character of the play is a flaky neurotic.

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