n.农业废料; 农业废渣
agricultural worker───农业工人
agricultural land───[农经]农业用地
agricultural workers───农业工人
agricultural show───农业展
agricultural shows───农业展览
Agricultural waste by - product contains abundant cellulose and lignin.───农作物废弃物中含有丰富的纤维素和木质素.
After the assessment of agricultural waste, such as rice straw, sugarcane bagasse, coconut shell, among others, it was found they have potential to generate thermal energy.───评估农业废弃物,如稻草甘蔗渣椰子壳等之后,发现它们有产生热能的潜力。
So long as the genetic tinkering poses no ecological threat, that approach could tap into a huge stream of agricultural waste, turning some of it into industrial ingredients.───只要这样的基因调整不会影响生态平衡,大量的农业废料便可以得到开发利用,有些可以用作工业原料。
It could be sawdust or agricultural waste like grain hulls, cocoa or coffee shells.───可以是锯末,或者谷壳, 可可或咖啡壳等农业废料.
Marine life is also harmed by agricultural waste, chiefly runoff containing chemical fertilizers and pesticides.───含化肥和杀虫剂的农业废物流人海洋;对海洋生物也会造成危害.
As well as burning wood chips, willow tree cuttings and sawdust, biomass power stations can use agricultural waste such as straw and even poultry manure to create electricity.───除了燃烧木屑、柳树碎片和锯屑,生物质能发电厂还可以利用农业废弃物,如秸秆,甚至是禽粪垫草来发电。
It could be sortus sawdust or agricultural waste, like grain hulls, coca cocoa or coffee shells.───它可以是锯屑或是农业废弃物, 如稻壳, 可可豆或咖啡豆外壳.
The achievement of a high nattokinase activity using apple pomace, a low-cost industrial and agricultural waste as fermentation substrate demonstrates obvious economic advantages.
The effect of extracellular enzymes of Phanerochaete Chrysosporium on the lignocellulose degradation and the succession of microbial community in agricultural waste composts were studied.
One idea is to sequester carbon as biochar, a charcoal made from burning agricultural waste in the absence of air.
- agricultural waste
- agricultural engineering
- agricultural laborer
- agricultural bank
- agricultural land
- agricultural density
- agricultural technology
- agricultural zones
- agricultural machinery
- agricultural implements