[地名] [美国] 卡茨基尔山
Catskill Mountains───卡茨基尔山(位于美国纽约州)
Altai Mountains───阿尔泰山脉(亚洲中部山脉,在中,俄,蒙三国境内)
Balkan Mountains───巴尔干山脉(位于欧洲巴尔干半岛东部)
Cam;ian Mountains───寒武纪山脉
Panamint Mountains───帕纳明特山脉
Selkirk Mountains───塞尔柯克山脉
Tatra Mountains───塔特拉山脉
Wrangell Mountains───兰格尔山脉
For example, mount Tremper Arts in New York's stunning Catskill mountains offer work exchange monthly residencies from one month to one year.───例如纽约风景名胜Catskill山的Mount Tremper Arts,提供用劳动交换每月居住的机会,居住时限从一个月到一年均可。
Even to this day, when people hear thunder on a summer afternoon near the Catskill Mountains.───即使到今天,当人们听到夏日午后卡兹奇山脉传来的雷声时。
One widely-cited example concerns the watersheds that supply New York, in the Catskill Mountains and elsewhere around the city.───有个得到广泛引用的实例涉及到在卡茨基尔山及该市周边的其它地区供应纽约的水域。
His exposure and interest in Jeeps dates back to explorations of old trails in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains with a 1946 CJ-2A.───他的曝光和兴趣的探索吉普车可以追溯到老步道的卡兹启尔山脉的山麓小丘CJ-2A用1946年。