

词汇 a good dancer
释义 a good dancer
a good dancer发音



a good many───许多,很多

a good one───一个好的

sword dancer───剑舞者;舞剑手;刃舞者(动画片圣魔之血中的角色名)

ballroom dancer───一位职业社交舞者

ballroom dancers───交际舞演员

a good bet───很好的选择;好去处

a good few───相当多


If you want to be a good dancer, just listen to the music and go with it.───如果你想成为一个好的舞者,只要听着音乐跟着一起跳就好了。

It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a good dancer.───他花了很长时间才掌握了成为一名优秀舞蹈家所需要的技能。

you a good dancer?───您跳舞跳得好么?

"It was only one dance, and Mr. Barton is a good dancer, " she said airily, refusing to be intimidated.───“就跳了一曲,巴顿先生舞跳得很好,”她不满地说,来抵抗所受到的恐吓。

"A choreographer told me that what professionals are looking for in a good dancer is core body strength, " said Dr Neave.───“一个舞蹈编导告诉我专家们寻找优秀舞蹈演员的核心指标就是身体力量,”内尔博士透露。

He wanted to be a great man in the world of films, so he worked very hard to become a good dancer and singer.───他想成为电影世界的伟大人物,所以他努力工作,希望成为有名的舞蹈家和歌唱家。

I have danced with her before. She`s quite a good dancer as well as a very able monitor.───我以前跟她跳过舞..她不仅是一位很有能力的班长.还是一位出色的舞伴。

If you want to be a good dancer, just listen to the music and go with it.───你若想成为好舞蹈演员,只要听并且随着音乐就好。

With more practice, your friends will be saying, "you're such a good dancer, I could never dance like that. "───继续练习,你的朋友会说,“你跳的真不错,我永远不可能跳得这么好。”


I never knew you were such a good dancer.

He was well-favoured , bright, a good dancer, a fair shot and a fine tennis player.

Dave's a good dancer.

She was not a good dancer, just a dancer, just a chorus girl.

As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didn't fulfil my early promise.

But I'm not a good dancer.

He was not a good dancer.

She is such a good dancer that she is in great request.

He's a good dancer.

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