bash up───重击(非正式);猛击(非正式)
cast up───呕吐;加在一起
wash up───洗餐具;洗手洗脸
cashed up───adj.富得流油的
cashes up───付清
cash out───现金支出
casts up───呕吐;加在一起
catch up───赶上;把…缠住
smash up───撞毁,击毁
Selling videocassettes meant laying out the cash up front, holding lots of inventory, and waiting for the cash to come in when the videocassettes were sold.───出售磁带意味着预先支付现金,持有大量存货,等待磁带售出后现金回笼。
The stranger increases the offer to 250,000 cash up front.───陌生人把报价提高到预付25万元.
Higher down-payment requirements won't ward off wealthy investors who pay in cash up front.───高昂的预付定金要求是不会挡住那些当面支付现金的富有的投资者的。
Each cashier has to cash up at the end of the day before going back home.───每天结束,回家之前,每个出纳得结算当天的金额.
CARDS started simply as a product that alumni associations could offer members, but alumni boards realized they could bargain for more cash up front.───认同卡发行初期只是一款由校友会向会员们提供的普通金融产品,可是校友会的董事们却从中发现了赚取现金的商机,”华盛顿大学福斯特商学院教授刘易斯·蒙戴尔说。
Can the club cash up the money required to train players?───俱乐部能拿出训练选手所需要的钱 吗 ?
The club cannot cash up the money needed to train young players.───俱乐部不能提供训练年轻运动员所需要的资金.
They never asked for cash up front.───他们从不要求预先支付现金.
For years marginal radio stations paid the rent with late-night or Sunday-morning preacher shows, which they aired for cash up front.
The club cannot cash up the money needed to train young players.
But they want a big, fat wad of that cash up front.
We cash up at five o'clock.
I'm not ready to cash up.
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