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词汇 cash machines
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cash machine───自动提款机,自动柜员机

bank machines───银行机器

coin machines───自动贩卖机

copy machines───影印机;复印机

fax machines───传真机

tape machines───自动收报机;磁带录音机

washing machines───洗衣机(washingmachine的复数)

change machines───零钱兑换机;找零钱机

cashpoint machines───自动提款机


Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.───取款机可让你随时取款。

There is no need to set up a national network of branches or cash machines.───这样,就不用在全国各地设立分行和取款机了。

Use cash machines at petrol stations or anywhere outside.───在加油站或任何室外的地方使用取款机。尽量在宾馆和购物中心里使用。

Omron is an independent maker of electronic control systems used in everything from cash machines to railway turnstiles .───欧姆龙是一家电子控制系统的独立制造商,产品类型丰富,从收银机到铁路闸门验票系统。

Diebold makes cash machines and security systems, but is best known for electronic voting machines, a relatively small part of its business.───Diebold生产自动提款机和安防系统,但最出名的由其公司生产的电子投票机(公司相对较小的部门)。

Some of the CCTV cameras watching a bank's cash machines now make that job easier by linking video footage to transaction data.───有些银行自动取款机上的监控器能把录像和交易数据联系起来简化这一任务。

Throughout the weekend many Cypriots were withdrawing as much as they could from bank cash machines before the special tax could be imposed.───周末,许多塞浦路斯人抢在特殊税施行之前从银行取款机中尽可能地取出自己的钱。

Cash machines automate two basic functions of a bank - deposits and withdrawals.───现金取款机让银行的两个基本职能实现了自动化。

Cash machines can fail for technical reasons, and occasionally they do, but there is plenty of redundancy in the system.───提款机可能会因为技术原因出现故障,这种情况时有发生,不过该系统存在大量冗余。


There are three cash machines built into the wall .

Cash machines are linked up to a central computer.

Cash machines automate two basic functions of a bank - deposits and withdrawals.

Exchanges done through cash machines which can not issue receipts are exempt from this provision.

Only £700m was withdrawn from cash machines in 1979 - it is now about £50 billion a year.

The Nationwide building society said it would install cash machines in up to 70 of the areas that Barclays was quitting.

Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.

Cash machines that spew out money are usually the stuff of dreams.

Hole-in-the-wall cash machines were introduced in the 1970s.

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