

词汇 cash cow
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cash cow发音

n.摇钱树; 可使人致富的生财工具



cash cows───现金牛;现金牛类;摇钱树

a cash cow───摇钱树

cash crop───经济作物

cash flow───资金流动

cash mob───现金暴徒


cash crops───经济作物;现金作物;商品作物

cash flows───[会计]现金流量(cashflow的复数)

cash book───n.现金账簿;现金收入日记账


But they say valuations look cheap and'slowly but surely Hutch is becoming a cash cow.───但他们表示,和记黄埔的估值看上去比较便宜,将会成为投资者的摇钱树,这是一个 “ 缓慢但必然的过程”.

His latest invention turned out to be a cash cow.───他的最新发明现在真的变成了他的摇钱树了.

The retail division is BT's cash cow.───零售部是英国电信公司的摇钱树。

Also, environmental groups caution that, designed poorly, programs to pay for forest preservation could merely serve as a cash cow for the very people who are destroying them.───环保组织还警告说,如果设计的不好,支付森林保护的计划可能只会成为正在摧毁森林的某些人的摇钱树。

The new movie theater that they just opened by campus is a cash cow.───学校阁下新开的那家影院真是个摇钱树.

This puts a cash cow at risk.───这就使得摇钱树处于风险之中了.

Mr. A owns two restaurants; one of which a cash cow.───A先生有两家餐馆, 其中一家经常有可靠的金钱收入.

A product or service which a regular source of income for a company a cash cow.───华尔街上的大铜牛应该跟这个成语有一定的联系吧,寄望于股票像摇钱树一样财源滚滚.

Action films are still this cinema's cash cow.───动作片仍然是这家影院的摇钱树.

You'll be rich soon, because that kind of business is a real cash cow.───你就快发了, 那种生意可真是摇钱树呢.

She is the cash cow in the family.───她是他们家的摇钱树.

While the 11-year-old magazine had been a cash cow for the media group, it had received a smaller share of the revenues, according to current and former staffers.───据现职和以前的员工说,尽管这份杂志创办11年来一直是媒体集团的摇钱树,但它所得收益的份额却较少。

Mr. Wilson turned out to be the cash cow we needed to start out repertoire company.───结果威尔逊先生就是我们开创公司全套功能所需资金的提供者.

This product has always been a cash cow for our company.───这种产品一直是我们公司的摇钱树.

However, several factors warrant investors another look at this potential cash cow.───不过, 其他几个因素让投资者对这家颇有潜力的赚钱机器另眼相看.

But ABI Research expects mobile TV will be someday cash cow globally as well.───ABI期望,移动电视市场有朝一日能在全球产生巨大的经济效益.


Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

This puts a cash cow at risk.

The new movie theater that they just opened by campus is a cash cow.

But the biggest cash cow is lower - undergraduate education.

The $8 billion video rental industry is the biggest cash cow ever developed in entertainment.

She is the cash cow in the family.

Action films are still this cinema's cash cow.

This product has always been a cash cow for our company.

His latest invention turned out to be a cash cow.

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