

词汇 cash account
释义 cash account
cash account发音




cash accounts───[金融]现金帐户

cash discount───[会计]现金折扣

bank account───银行存款;银行往来帐户


cash discounts───[会计]现金折扣

charge account───n.[会计]赊购账;记账

asset account───[会计]资产帐户

bank accounts───银行账户(bankaccount的复数)

share account───[金融]股金帐户;股金账户


A cash account not involving securities borrowing andis available from most of licensed or registered persons.───大多数持牌人或注册人均提供不涉及证券借贷的现金帐户.

The Posting was made in the cash account.───过账是在现金账户中进行的。

Please open a CASH ACCOUNT for, the undersigned client.───请为吾等(在下面签署的客户)开立现金帐户.

A cash account not involving securities borrowing andis available from Guodu Securities ( Hong Kong ) Limited.───国都证券 ( 香港 ) 有限公司提供不涉及证券借贷的现金帐户.

Administration of Foreign Exchange is the approval of foreign exchange cash account is something.───外汇管理局是审批外汇现汇账户的开户事情.

Inform the remitter timely when the money is reached, and record in the cash account.───第九条寄款人将款项寄到卡上后,应该及时通知寄款人并在现金账上作好记录.

Do the general family and cash account pay duty if not so?───一般户和现金账户要不纳税?

Please open a CASH ACCOUNT for us, the undersigned client.───请为我们(在下面签署的客户)开立现金账户.

What are the chief purposes of keeping a petty cash account?───零用现金账目的主要目的是什么?

Let me go through your cash account.───让我先看看你的现金账目.

What tare the chief purposes of keeping a petty cash account?───登记零用现金账目的主要目的是什么? ?

Reconciling cash at hand with petty cash account balance at month end.───负责月末现金账户的对帐和盘点工作.

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