累积总需求; 总需求量
aggregate demands───[贸易]总需求
increase demand───增加需求量
in (great) demand───需求量大
aggregate score───累积分;总分
aggregate scores───累积分;总分
aggregate supply───总供给;累积总供应
aggregate value───[统计]总值;合计价值
Using this approach, we can abstract from fluctuation in Aggregate Demand.───运用这一方法, 我们可以抽掉总需求中不断变化的因素.
But since expanding aggregate demand is precisely the goal of the interest rate cut, that incentive is not a bug but a feature!───国民生产总值的增长率将依赖于总需求的增长率。
Because this reduces aggregate demand for goods and services, it is a method for fighting inflation.───这会减少对商品和服务的总需求量, 因而是对付通货膨胀的一种方法.
The aggregate demand for labour and goods and services is much less than the potential supply.───对劳动力、商品和服务的总需求,远远低于潜在供应.
These are three: aggregate demand inflation and profits and performance of the corporate sector.───有三大机制: 总需求、通货膨胀,以及企业部门的利润与业绩.
Hence, any factor that increases aggregate demand can cause inflation.───所以, 任何引起总需求量上涨的因素都可以引发通货膨胀.
Aggregate demand is falling sharply below aggregate supply.───正在剧烈下跌的总体需求远低于总供应量.
An increase in the budget deficit boosts aggregate demand.───预算赤字增加使总需求扩大.
If there is debate about the details, it is remarkable how unanimous economists now are that fiscal policy needs to be used actively to boost aggregate demand.───但是,由于扩大总需求正是降息的目的,这一消费激励并非这个方案的缺陷,而是这个方案的特点。
The rate of growth of GNP will depend upon the rate of growth of aggregate demand.───国民生产总值的增长率将取决于总需求的增长率。
The cause of unemployment was inadequate aggregate demand.───失业的原因在于总需求不足.
Then two special examples for aggregate demand curve are deduced.───并据此推导出总需求曲线的两种特例.
Investment has also recovered, contributing half of aggregate demand growth.───投资也已复苏, 其贡献率占总需求增长的一半.
Budget cuts weaken GDP growth by shrinking aggregate demand.───预算缩减减少总需求,从而减慢GDP的增长.
Aggregate demand needs strengthening.───总需求必须增加.
The current Keynesian mindset rightly observes that we have a shortage of aggregate demand.───当今的凯恩斯主义者正确地指出,总需求不足.
Normally there is a negative relationship between aggregate demand and the price level spending.───通常,累积总需求和价格水平是相互矛盾的.
- aggregate data
- aggregate demand
- aggregately meaning
- aggregate adjustment
- aggregately definition
- aggregates uk