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词汇 caring people
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many people───许多人;很多人;好多人

travelling people───《旅行的人们》(小说名)

Plain People───普通人;老百姓

bearing pile───[建]承重桩;支桩

bring peace───带来和平


carding file───卡片档;卡片目录(等于cardcatalog)


After a period of time, a woman caring people, it can not help but ask him: "do you really even five dollar and ten-dollar are too close to it?"───过啦一段时间,一个有爱心地老太婆,就不由得问他:“你真地连5元和十元都分不出来吗?”

There Yin can tap into a network of others caring for people with dementia.───在这里,尹可以加入由照护痴呆症患者的人们组成的网络。

She's one of the most loving, caring people I know. No matter what's going on with me, I know I can talk to her, and she would never judge.───她是我所认识的最有爱心,最懂得关心别人的人。无论有什么挫折或者蠢事发生在我身上,我知道我都能跟她讲,她从来不会挑剔和批评我。

I was deeply moved by the heartfelt devotion of the organizers, and I felt once again how much this world needs love from caring people.───我为主办方的爱心及凝聚力而深深感动,同时也感到这个世界需要爱,更需要有爱心的人。

"CFA Sail" elite club is established by a group of caring people, who are willing to help CFA candidates solve encountered problems.───“CFA之帆”精英俱乐部是由一群有爱心、有梦想的CFA们组成,旨在帮助广大考友解决备考过程中遇到的各类疑难问题。

Great is not far away, as long as to be a caring people, and spend more effort in teaching, spent on the pursuit of their cause.───伟大并不遥远,只要做个有心人,多花点精力在教学上,花在对自己事业的追求上。

I hope Wenchuan disabled children to stand up to life and society as a whole and caring people are watching you.───希望汶川的伤残孩子们勇敢面对生活,全社会有爱心的人们都在关注着你们。

I hope you are good humor and caring people, I hope you coming to me to increase happiness and wonderful life.───我希望您是幽默善良并且有爱心的人,希望您的到来给我的生活增加快乐和精彩。


Other issues that develop are concerned with caring people who wish to help relatives and friends express their grief.

  • caring for
  • caring people
  • caring faculty




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