

词汇 calls out
释义 calls out
calls out发音



call out───唤起;出动;大声叫唤

falls out───发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是

called out───唤起;出动;大声叫唤

chills out───v.冷静;放松

bails out───跳伞;保释;放弃,退出;舀出;帮助......摆脱困境

bawls out───痛骂,训斥;叫喊


calls off───取消;依次叫名;叫走

calls on───访问,拜访;号召,请求


Jack calls out to Ellis, but Ellis is dead.───杰克通过电话大声喊叫着埃利斯,但他已经死翘翘了。

Mother calls out quite suddenly, "Here, stop, mister!"───妈妈突然喊道:“这儿,停住,先生!”

direct materials P/N, description, usage, and designator.───直接罗列所用材料料号,规格,用量,点位。

Kim looks around the empty road, and calls out for her mother.───金姆环视着空无一人的道路,大声呼叫她的母亲。

A women is dug out of her collapsed apartment block after being trapped for 10 hours. She calls out for her mother, who was injured.───一名妇女在她的公寓倒塌后,被困在废墟之下达10小时。她被救出后,还哭喊着为她受伤的母亲求救。

Francine: Listen. There are moments when life calls out for a change. A change. It is just like the seasons. Our spring was wonderful.───听着,有些时刻生活呼唤着需要有变化。一个变化。就像是四季一样。我们的春天是完美的,但是夏天已经结束。很长一段时间。

Inside his dormitory , debris falls to the ground as he calls out to his friends.───在他的宿舍里,碎片跌落到地面,而他大声呼叫他的朋友。

F: Tony, listen. There are times when life calls out for a change, a transition. Like the seasons.───人生有时需要一种变化,逃不过这一种变迁,就像这寒来暑往一般。

But that a joy past joy calls out on me, it were a grief, so brief to part with thee: Farewell.───倘不是一个超乎一切喜悦的喜悦在招呼着我,像这样匆匆的离别,一定会使我黯然神伤。再会!


This will show you just how much you can save on your bill if you make calls out of peak periods.

Weeks after my visit to the Space Center, the director, Bob Cabana, calls out of the blue.

An OTIS - style automated announcement calls out the travelling direction and a door obstruction warning message.

The leader takes a watch with a second hand, points to a player and calls out a letter of the alphabet.

Step 7: The game continues when the judge calls out the next type of dependent clause, and sets the timer.

She calls out to her children almost absently.

Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn .

Gentlewoman calls out lackey, swift end gives dish of hamburger to look to this individual.

As the dance master leads the troupe, he calls out, "What flower blooms in the front field?"

  • calls in




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