by right───公正地,正当地;法律上的
ex rights───除权
to rights───权利
book rights───图书权利
eyes rights───眼睛的权利
air rights───空运法;占有土地上空权
big nights───今晚大事件(BigNight,电影名)
Yes, he saw my deuces -- AND with a straight flush, and by rights the pot is his.───是啊, 他看我出的是'立二',他自己却摆出'一条龙 ',他拿这笔赌注理所应当.
By rights, some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.───按理说,有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。
I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here.───我知道, 这些都完全不应该由我们来承担. 按理说, 我们甚至不应该在这.
By rights, half the reward should be mine.───按理说, 有一半奖赏应该是我的.
By rights the property should have gone to him rather than to his sister.───公正地说,这财产应该属于他,而不属于他妹妹.
She did work which by rights should be done by someone else.───她做了理应由别人做的事情。
By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are.───从一开始, 我们就不应该在这里, 但是我们来了.
By rights , we shouldn't even be here. But we are here.───我们本来就不该来. 但是我们来了.
By rights, we should split the profits among the three of us.───按理说,我们三个应该平分收益。
Dat watch belong by rights ter lil Wade Hampton.───这只表照理应该属于小少爷韦德-汉普顿.
The property is not mine by rights.───按理说,这财产不是我的.
You realize that by rights you should not come into this room, don't you? This is only for people who work here.───按理说你是不能走进这个房间的, 你知道 吗 ?这是专为此地工作人员使用的.
By rights he should be king.───按理说,他应该当国王.
I know. It's all wrong By rights , we shouldn't even be here. But we are.───我知道, 这全是错误, 我们根本不应该在这, 但是我们在了.
By rights, he should have been very tired.───按理说, 他应该感到很累的.
I shouldn by rights be at this party at all -- I'm on duty tonight.───我 照理 不该参加这个“聚会”, 因为 今晚我值班.
It's all wrong. By rights , we shouldn't even be here. But we are here.───这不公平. 我们本来就不该来. 但是我们来了.
You realize that by rights you should not come into this room, don't you? This is only for people who work here.
- by singing
- by my way
- by meitu
- by the bay
- by my lover
- by subway anmail
- by contraries
- by-laws image
- byplay defined
- by when
- by word
- by business entity pa
- by product
- by-place definition
- bye boy
- byway def
- by the coast
- by one
- by default
- by the river
- by the hand