protein contents───[食品]蛋白质含量
latent content───潜含量;潜性内容
protein diet───蛋白饮食
protein intake───蛋白质摄入量
protein syntheses───[生化]蛋白质合成
protein synthesis───[生化]蛋白质合成
protest movement───抗议运动
protective coating───[涂料]保护涂层;防护涂料
protein supplement───蛋白质补充料
Leaf nitrogen content induces remarkable effect on chlorophyll and soluble protein content.───叶片氮含量对叶绿素与可溶性蛋白含量会产生明显的影响.
The beverage is ivory yellow homogenous and savory . Its protein content and sugar content is 8.92 %.───饮料呈乳黄色、质地细腻、口味适中, 其蛋白质含量为1.02%,总糖含量为8.92%.
The effect of density on the protein content and grain yield is on a negative correlation.───密度对籽粒蛋白质含量的影响与其籽粒产量的变化呈负相关关系.
Its protein content of up to 60 %, and is rich in amino acids.───其蛋白质含量可达60%, 并含有丰富的氨基酸.
Therefore, Bradford method was a good, rapid determination of protein content.───所以考马斯亮蓝法是一种很好的蛋白质快速测定方法.
Four factors affecting the production of single cellprotein ( SCP ) feed and the coarse protein content were analysed.───对四种影响棉籽饼生产单细胞蛋白饲料因素作了分析.
Tincurrin, Wanmai 48 and Caldwell were low in AWRC and protein content.───筛选出碱性水保持力和蛋白质含量都较低的小麦品种Tincurrin 、 皖麦48和Caldwell,推荐作为软质小麦育种的亲本使用.
So total protein content can be determined by multiplying nitrogen by the factor 6.25.───蛋白质的总含量即可由含氮量乘以常数6.25算出.
N harvest index and protein content are positively correlated.───氮收获指数与蛋白质含量呈正相关.
Maximum price differential old new crops 6 % but protein content similar.───新旧作物差价最高达6%,但所含蛋白成份一样.
In tests, melamine appears to boost the protein content of milk.───这检测中, 三聚氰胺使得牛奶中的蛋白质含量显得增高了.
The crude protein content of Old World bluestem of three clippings takes on single - peak curve.───三次刈割的粗蛋白质含量呈现1茬低、2茬高、3茬低的单峰曲线.
The attention does not buy protein content > of 1.0 %, that is not true yoghurt.───注重不要买蛋白质含量>1.0%的, 那不是真正的酸奶.
The protein content and dough strength of soft wheat for biscuit must be low.───软麦育种的关键是在降低蛋白质含量的同时降低面筋强度.
However , protein content and gluten content also influenced biscuit baking.───饼干采用软麦制粉, 其蛋白质含量和面团强度都应较低.
However , protein content and gluten content also influenced biscuit baking.
The plant protein isolates are highest in protein content.
Grain protein content of wetness management was highest, that of water layer management was lowest.
Soybean short peptide of 95.5% protein content was a white powder with excellent solubility in water or acid without hygroscopy and strange smell.
The soluble protein content and its SDS-PAGE patterns in leaves of Neosinocalamus affinis, Dendrocalamus farinosus and Bambusa rigida from the different regions of Sichuan province were studied.
The total protein content of the tube was evaluated by the Bradford protein method.
Cell disruption was checked at microscopy. Protein content was determined by Lowry's method.
And the liver microsome protein content, CYP450 content and erythromycin-N-demethylase activity appear some gender differences.
Objective To determine the protein content in Viscum liquidambaricolum Hayata and Viscum ovalifolium DC.
- protein deficiency
- protein shake
- protein synthesis
- protein food
- protein fiber
- protein bars