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词汇 burned out
释义 burned out
burned out发音


[机] 烧完



turned out───打扮好的;穿戴好的;结果证明(turnout的过去式)

blurted out───开始说话,脱口而出

churned out───艰苦地做出;大量炮制

bugged out───撤退;暴突

bulked out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出

burn out───烧坏;烧尽;不再热衷

burned off───烧尽

burned up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒


Something was wrong with the TV set; perhaps the fuse burned out.───电视机出了毛病, 也许保险丝烧坏了.

The bulb has burned out.───灯泡烧坏了.

By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport.───她到25岁时就已体力耗尽,退出了体坛。

So, after three days of incessant byandy - drinking, he had burned out the youth from his blood.───就这样, 连续三天不断地暴饮白兰地, 他将自己血液中的青春活力都烧尽了.

The oil lamp has burned out.───油烧完后油灯就熄灭了.

By five o'clock in the afternoon we were all burned out from working.───到了下午5点,我们已经干得筋疲力竭了.

When you only focus on a big goal someday, it's easy to get burned out by the daily grind.───当你只将注意力放在一个大目标的时候,你很容易就被日常单调的事情磨得筋疲力竭。

He struggled to find a hobby, having burned out on reading.───他读书读烦了, 于是想方设法地寻找业余爱好.

Burned out after two years in Washington, she returned to Stanford.───在华盛顿埋头苦干了两年之后, 赖斯回到了斯坦福大学.

Your candle's burned out long before your leg - end over will.───纵使你的烛光已逝,你的传奇永垂万世.

Mr Jones burned out the clutch on his car.───琼斯先生把离合器烧毁了.

The light bulb in the bathroom burned out.───浴室里的灯泡烧坏了.

The light bulb in the lamp is burned out in my room.───房间电灯泡烧坏了.

You feel taken advantage of and burned out, and loving feelings diminish.───你感到自己上当了,精疲力竭了, 于是爱的情感逐渐消逝.

After the fire, all that was left was the burned - out shell of the building.───大火以后所剩下的就是被烧焦的建筑物的外壳了.

A rock - music cult called " Woodstock Nation " flared briefly, then burned out.───一阵被称为 “ 伍德斯托克民族 ” 的摇滚乐狂潮,如昙花一现, 随后成了过眼烟云.

The house is burned out.───这栋房子被烧掉了。

The floors where they occurred were a burned - out shambles.───出事的几层楼变成一堆烧焦了的废墟,狼藉不堪.


The rocket engine burned out.

Her anger seems to have burned out.

We were burned out and had to live with relatives.

There were casualties: One soldier burned out his chain saw; another got poison oak.

Life is a candle . If burned out , there will not chance for you to start again . Let's value life.

At that point, however, the Mac team was burned out, in tatters.

By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport.

Some farm workers on occupied land have been burned out of their homes which have then been looted.

The light bulbs burned out.

  • burned by
  • burned off




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