ciliary muscles───[解剖]睫状肌;鲍曼氏肌;睫允
voluntary muscles───[解剖]随意肌;横纹肌
build muscle───锻炼肌肉
ciliary muscle───[解剖]睫状肌;鲍曼氏肌;睫允
leg muscles───腿肌
tummy muscles───腹肌
skeletal muscles───骨骼肌
cardiac muscles───n.[解剖]心肌
extraocular muscles───[解剖]眼外肌
main clinicalfeatures of the disease are slowly progressive muscle weakness, atrophy of bulbar, facial and limb muscles.───主要临床表现为以缓慢进展的肌无力和肢体、延髓部及面部肌肉萎缩。
Bulbar muscles are often involved the whole body can affect other muscle groups, vulnerable to upper respiratory tract infection and other reasons, induced myasthenic crisis.───延髓肌受累者常可累及全身其它骨骼肌群,极易因上呼吸道感染等原因而诱发肌无力危象。
Bulbar muscles are often involved the whole body can affect other muscle groups, vulnerable to upper respiratory tract infection and other reasons, induced myasthenic crisis.
- bulbar conjunctiva
- bulbar medical
- bulbar pseudo affect