

词汇 bubbling over
释义 bubbling over
bubbling over发音



tumbling over───打翻

bubbling under───v.保持在……水平以下

boiling over───沸溢

bowling over───击倒

bubble over───v.冒泡溢出;激动起来;达到顶点

mulling over───仔细考虑

pulling over───把…开到路边;开到路边;靠边停车;靠岸

binding over───具结

blowing over───平息;被淡忘;消散;停止


maternity ward people's anger was bubbling over and it wasn't only the babies who were screaming.───产科病房里人们怒气冲冲,哭天哭地的不仅仅是刚刚出生婴儿们。

We rest here and watch the flowing water bubbling over the stones on the river bed.───我们在这里休息,看着河水潺潺流过河床上的岩石。

She was bubbling over with excitement.───她兴奋不已。

Today, however, he seems to have no doubts that China's stockmarket is bubbling over.───然而,他似乎毫无疑问的认为当今中国的股票市场正是泡沫涌起之时。

He was bubbling over with excitement, like a child that has just found a new toy.───他激动地高声谈论,像一个刚刚发现一件新玩具的孩子。

Men were shaking hands, it did not matter with whom, and bubbling over in a general incoherent Babel.───人们互相握手,也不管跟谁在握手,并且大家沸沸扬扬地乱喊一些毫不连贯的话。

If you're bubbling over with fresh, innovative ideas, consider keeping them to yourself -- at least if you hope to reach senior management.───如果你脑子里充满了各种新鲜的奇思妙想,建议你先不要公开这些想法——如果你希望升至高级管理层的话。

They're an odd pair of friends, Sylvia always bubbling over with nonsense and Polly as sober as a judge.───她们是一对奇特的朋友,西尔维亚老是抑制不住胡言乱语,而波利却十分庄重严肃。

The last time I saw him he was bubbling over with enthusiasm.───我上次见到他时他热情奔放。


He was bubbling over with excitement.

She was bubbling over with happiness and enthusiasm.

He was quite tireless, bubbling over with vitality.

The pupils were bubbling over with excitement.

She was bubbling over with excitement/enthusiasm.

Mary was bubbling over with excitement.

They were bubbling over with excitement.

She was bubbling over with excitement.

She was bubbling over with good cheer.

  • bubbling well road
  • bubbling away
  • bubbling over




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