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词汇 brushing up
释义 brushing up
brushing up发音



bashing up───重击(非正式);猛击(非正式)

busting up───破坏

hushing up───肃静;掩盖,防止…张扬出去

brushing up on───复习,温习;重温

brushing off───刷去;丢弃;脱落

braining up───想出主意

breaking up───破裂,分手;解体

brewing up───酿造

bricking up───用砖堵塞,用砖围砌


Once I understood, I began brushing up on my history. I learned that this was a challenge I would have to face daily in my life.───一旦我明白了原因所在,我开始回顾我的历史,然后我就发现,这是一个我将不得不在一生中每天都要面对的挑战。

Frank Lampard is brushing up on his language skills, but has reassured Chelsea fans that he has no intention of leaving Stamford Bridge.───弗兰克·兰帕德正在学习西班牙语,不过他向切尔西球迷表示,他不会离开斯坦福桥。

I prepared for the trip by brushing up on my Chinese with the help of a tutor, a woman from Tianjin who lives in our small town in Texas .───我为这次旅行开始做准备,请了一位住在我们这个得州小镇的来自天津的妇女当家教,帮我补习语。

We are brushing up against deep philosophical issues once again, which go far beyond the scope of a book on economics principles.───我们再一次意外触及深刻的哲学问题,而这些问题已远远超出一本经济学原理教材的范畴。

With only a little brushing up, she hopes to get by in the exam.───她希望稍微补习一下,能勉强通过考试。

Oscar: Can't. My English is in desperate need of some intensive brushing up. I've already flunked my company's exam. Twice, in fact.───可不行。我的英文需要彻底的复习。公司的考试我已经失败了--确切地说是两次。


For the province's future Olympic hopefuls have been brushing up on skills both on and off the sports fields.

Walking through a crowded school hallway or playground is daunting because it means brushing up against so many bodies.

Eleanor spent much of the summer brushing up on her driving.

Start by brushing up on the fundamentals of iPhone maintenance: how to get your iPhone into Recovery Mode, how to put it into DFU Mode, and how to perform a firmware restore from those modes.





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