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词汇 broken in
释义 broken in
broken in发音



broke in───插入;接入;训练(breakin的过去式)


broken into───闯入;破门而入

broken line───[数]折线;虚线;断线;点线

broken vein───断脉

broken wind───喘气;放屁

broken ice───碎冰;疏散冰

broken up───破碎的;裂缝性的

broken lines───断线;破裂线


Burglars had broken in while we were away.───我们不在家时,窃贼闯进屋里了。

Of course, they will be broken in the end.───当然,最终的结果就是身败名裂。

Joe's bowie-knife lay close by, its blade broken in two.───乔的猎刀就放在旁边,刀刃断成了两半。

As a result of years of drug abuse patients, the patient is already broken, in his family's help, was able to seek treatment.───由于患者长年吸毒,患者早已妻离子散,在其亲人的帮助下,才得以寻求治疗。

In the end is often found in a section of fallow years and a bond can not be broken in the heart.───到最后发现的往往是一段荒废的岁月和一颗破碎得不能粘合的心。

When a medieval moneylender could not pay his debts, his bench was broken in two, sometimes over his head.───当一个中世纪的借款人无法偿还他的债务,他的板凳被砸成两半,有时是在他头上砸的。

Paul, more than anyone else, was an example of how much a child of God can suffer without being crushed or broken in spirit.───保罗的经历告诉我们:一个上帝的孩子,无论受多少苦,仍能不在灵里受压。

And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD.───当日就废弃了。这样,那些仰望我的困苦羊,就知道所说的是耶和华的话。

She hopped out of bed and found that the bridge on her favorite castle had been broken in the night, and it took her forever to fix it.───她腾的从床上跳下来,发现城堡的桥,在夜里断了。那可是她最喜欢的城堡啊,她怎么也修不好它。


The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places.

  • brokenly ny
  • broken jewelry
  • broken-hearted definition
  • broken arm
  • broken arrows
  • broken time
  • broken lines
  • broken bone
  • broken inside
  • broken water
  • broken line
  • broken glasses
  • brokenly found
  • broken off
  • broken windows
  • broken leona lewis
  • broken bones
  • broken halo
  • broken away from
  • broken hearted melody
  • broken through




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