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词汇 bring to
释义 bring to
bring to发音


<航>(使)停驶; 使用于…; 使(某人)苏醒; 使达到…


brings to───使恢复知觉;停船

bring joy───带来欢乐

bring in───引进;生产;增加

bring on───导致;引起;使…发展

bring up───提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下

going to───将要

lying to───漂流;接近……

owing to───由于,因为…

bringing to───使恢复知觉;停船


Add the mustard and milk and bring to a simmer.───加入芥末和牛奶然后用文火慢慢煮.

I will bring to light the truth.───我一定要揭露真相.

Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil.───往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。

Q. How many interstellar dust particles did Stardust bring to Earth?───问: “星尘”带回了多少星际尘埃?

Add 8 fl oz stock and bring to the boil.───加入8液盎司的原汤并煮沸.

The new treaty will Bring to an end the long war.───新的谈判将使长久的战争结束.

Combine the stock, whole onion and peppercorns in a pan and bring to a simmer.───将高汤、一整头洋葱和胡椒粒一起放在平底锅里,开小火炖。

to room temperature before baking.───烘烤之前恢复到室温。

The trip will bring to an end years of estrangement between the two countries.───此行将会结束两国多年来的疏远关系。

What are you going to bring to the table other than your charisma?───除了你的超凡魅力还带给我什么?

After a while, she asked, "What shall I bring to the grandmother?"───过了一会儿,她问:“我该给奶奶带些什么呢?”

I can't seem to bring to mind her address.───我似乎想不起她的地址了.

Gradually add the warm milk, and bring to the boil stirring constantly.───慢慢添加温牛奶, 不断搅拌,直到沸腾.

The slightest disagreement tended to bring to the fore his underlying suspicion and resentment.───往往一言不合马上会勾引起他心头的猜疑和怨恨.

What do you bring to the jamboree, darling, huh? Aside from those baby blues and a knife?───你带了什么来派对,宝贝,哈?除了那件婴儿蓝上衣和那把刀之外?

Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.───加入所有剩下的用料,煮到沸腾.

Bring to boil then reduce heat to a simmer.───水沸腾了之后就转小火慢煮.

Great perils have beauty, they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.───重大的危难包涵着美, 它能让陌生者之间显现友爱之情.


Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.

  • bring to light
  • brings out the best in me
  • bringover preview
  • bring down the house
  • bring me out
  • bring em out
  • bring up
  • bring out the best in sb
  • bring back glam
  • bring forward
  • bring them up
  • bring under control
  • bring it back
  • bring under
  • bring me the horizon
  • brings out your boss bitch
  • bring out
  • bring sb up
  • bring a camera
  • bring ul
  • brings to




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