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词汇 border guard
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border guards───边防战士

border raid───边境突袭

bumper guard───保险杠防撞块

horse guard───骑兵

under guard───在看守下

bumper guards───保险杠防撞块

armed guard───武装警卫


border raids───边境突袭


The Burmese junta ordered the NMSP to form a border guard force in June 2009.───缅甸军政府在2009年6月命令新孟邦党整编成边防警卫部队。

The regime has said border guard forces should be in place before the 2010 election.───军政府已经放言,在2010年大选之前各边防警卫部队应当整编完毕。

A border guard grumbles that the only tourist in weeks has set off her tripwire.───一个边防人员抱怨说,几个星期只来了这么一位游客,还就触发了她负责的虚拟警戒线。

The wall fell because of those thousands of pressing bodies, and because of that border guard's shrug.───柏林墙因为上万人的挤压倒了,也因为那位长官耸着肩做出的决定。

A bribe to a border guard may be folded into a passport.───向边境守卫的贿赂可能包在护照当中。

It will read "empty" when it is plugged in to a computer, just in case it falls into the hands of a border guard.───插入电脑后,U盘显示为“无内容”,以防落入边防之手。

Instead, Kachin leaders have proposed a Kachin Regional Guard Force in place of a government-backed border guard force.───相反,克钦族领导人提出了一个政府设立一个克钦地区卫队支持的边防力量。

Meanwhile, a North Korean border guard shot three Chinese residents dead recently, in an incident that has Beijing fuming.───与此同时,朝鲜边防部队近期击毙了三名中国居民,此事让北京方面大为恼火。

The border-guard is more concerned that the permit, though signed and counter-signed, has not been rubber-stamped.───卫兵更关心我的许可证,虽然经过签字和会签,但还没有盖章。


Here, a border guard and two customs officers, all in uniform, came aboard to inspect our documents.

The border guard directed me to hand over my passport.

But now all were only required by the military junta to transform themselves into the junta run forces known as Border Guard Forces (BGF) before its general elections.

Locals like to boast that "Abkhazia used to beat the world record on the number of secret agents per capita, " says Lavrik Mikvabia, a colonel in the Abkhaz border guard.

His adversaries include still more cossacks, a border guard or two, a rabbi, and a pugilist.

An East German border guard peers through a crack in the Berlin Wall, Nov. 17, 1989, shortly after a West Berliner painted a keyhole around the opening.

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  • border guard
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