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词汇 blue angel
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blue angels───蓝色天使

Blue Angel───蓝色天使

blue badges───蓝色徽章

blue badge───蓝色徽章

blue babies───发绀婴儿;青紫婴儿

blue cranes───蓝蓑羽鹤

blue pencil───蓝铅笔(用于删改书稿或剧本等的)

blue rinses───蓝色冲洗液

blue runner───金鲹


Hollywood execs who were stunned by her performance in The Blue Angel, Marlene's beauty was renowned the globe round.───蓝天使》中的表演让好莱坞的制片人惊为天人,她成为众人争购的对象。玛琳的美蜚声全球。

Pinocchio is only a Pinocchio at first, but later having life by a blue angel.───皮诺曹一开始只是一个木偶而已,但后来因为蓝色天使赋予它生命。

Accordingly, for 24 years it has been recognized by the strictest certification institute in the world - the "Blue Angel".───连续24年获得了世界公认的最为严格的“蓝天使”环保标志认证。

Ask children to come to the board and draw decorations on it: a red bauble, a yellow star, a blue angel, a green present, etc.───让学生到黑板前来,给圣诞树上画一些装饰物:红色的小玩意、黄色的星、蓝色的小天使、绿色的礼物,等等。

and singer whose first internationally famous role was the sultry-voiced temptress in The Blue angel (1930).───德裔美国女演员和歌星,因在电影《蓝色的天使》(1930年)中扮演一声音淫荡的荡妇而首次闻名于世。

Before Cyndi hit it big as a solo artist, she recorded an LP in 1980 with the group Blue Angel.───在她成为著名的独唱歌手前,她与“蓝色天使”组合于1980年录制了一张唱片。

Great! I've got two tickets for the film "Blue Angel" . I want you to go with me. Would you like to come?───太好了!我有两张《蓝色天使》的电影票。我想你跟我一起去看,你愿意吗?

If import brands are "green products" in an overpack for international certification logos, such as the German "Blue Angel" signs;───进口的品牌如果是“绿色产品”,在外包装上有国际认证标识,比如德国是“蓝天使”标志;

The AGICOA award "The Blue Angel" for the best European film───最佳欧洲影片“蓝天使”奖

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