

词汇 ad lib
释义 ad lib
ad lib发音


adv.没有限制地; 随意


ad lib.───随意,任意;临时穿插,即兴讲演


lad lit───男性文学;蠢驴电影


ad in───发球占先

ad litem───专为某一诉讼指定

lad lits───男性文学;蠢驴电影

ad libitum───(拉)随意;任意

ad fin.───广告fin。


The ad lib joke in the play is the best.───剧中即兴说的笑话最好.

Help yourself . You are ad lib here.───请自便,在这里你不受限制.

The actress often forgot her line but was very good ad lib.───我忘记带讲稿了,只好临时讲几句.

We've heard many a novice complain after reading a script that they have no idea what 'b.g.' or 'AD LIB' means.───我们听到许多新手抱怨读完剧本后,他们不知道“背景”或“即兴编词”什么意思。

I lost my notes and had to ad - lib the whole speech.───我把讲稿丢了,只好临时说了一通.

She delivered her lines ad lib.───她的台词是即兴的。

She delivered her lines ad - lib.───她是即兴说出的台词.

He made a few ad - lib remarks.───他即兴说了几句.

The best joke in the play was ad lib.───这出戏中最使人开心的笑话是即兴插入的.

I spoke from the pulpit ad lib.───我在讲坛上发表即兴演说。

We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib.───这些食物让我们随便吃.

His ad lib speech was wonderful.───他的即兴演说真是妙极了.

Every time I fluffed a line Lenny got me out of trouble with a brilliant ad-lib.───每次我台词出错时,伦尼都通过机智的临场发挥帮我解围。

I spoke from the pulpit ad lib.───我在讲坛上做了即兴发言。

His ad - lib comments showed poor judgment.───他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力.

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