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词汇 blazed a trail
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blaze a trail───开辟道路;在树上作记号指路

to blaze a trail───开辟道路

board a train───上火车

blaze a way───开辟道路

cleared a table───清理桌子

audit trail───[计]审查跟踪,尾随审查;查帐索引;逐位跟踪

blaze away───使劲做;热烈急促地讲;连续发射


It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom through the darkest of nights.───这是奴隶和废奴主义者们穿过漆黑的夜幕,开辟自由之路时的低声耳语。

Despite his misgivings, he became a seasoned starfighter pilot, learning several tricks from his unorthodox Padawan as the duo blazed a trail of victory through Separatists lines.───虽然顾虑重重,但他还是成了一名老练的星际战斗机飞行员,从他特立独行的徒弟那儿学了不少飞行花招,师徒俩在分离势力的战线上留下了一条胜利的轨迹。

America's armed forces have blazed a trail here.───美国的武装力量已经在这里开拓了一条路。

That said, of the recent high-profile cases, it's Cynthia Nixon's down-to-earth attitude that may have blazed a trail for many women.───有人说,在最近高调出现的例子中,可能是辛西娅尼克松诚恳的态度为许多女性照亮了道路。

It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.───它在奴隶和废奴主义者中口耳相传,照亮了他们艰辛的自由之路。

The company blazed a trail in designing software.───这家公司是软件设计行业的先驱。

Now that his firm has blazed a trail, he says, others should find it easier to follow.───他说,现在他的公司已经开辟了一条蹊径,别人如果想模仿会更容易。

Whether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied the "strenuous life" and blazed a trail for twentieth-century America.───是否缉捕或信托大厦运河,他体现了“艰苦生活”,走出了一条二十世纪美国。


Elvis Presley blazed a trail in pop music.

His cottages at Blaize Hamlet blazed a trail for a hundred years.

Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed.

  • blazed a trail
  • blazed down on




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