

词汇 you first
释义 you first
you first发音




come first───名列第一;最早来;首先要考虑到的

at first───起先,首先;最初

double first───(英国大学中的)两门学科获优等成绩;两门学科获得优等成绩的学生

double firsts───(英国大学中的)两门学科获优等成绩;两门学科获得优等成绩的学生





You first reward a hop, then a bigger hop, then an even bigger hop.───你先奖励小进步,然后是大一点的进步,接着是更大的进步。

You looked like a young plucked crow when you first came into this garden.───你第一次来到这个花园的时候,看上去就像一只被拔过毛的小乌鸦。

The Gryphon said, "you first form into a line along the sea-shore—two lines!"───鹰头怪说:“你先在海岸边站成一排——两排!”

I had wondered how you first became interested in this topic, and then I got to the last chapter.───我一直很好奇,最初你是怎么对这个题材感兴趣的,为了知道原因,我直接跳到了最后一章。

When did you first start announcing to all that would listen that you were an Arsenal fan?───又是从何时起愿意向大家宣布你是个枪迷?

Using this, or any other dictionary, will help you remember the word long after you first discovered it.───使用本词典,或别的词典,将帮助你长时间记住一个生词。

thx you. I owe you first. I'll do it up in a while.───非比寻常感谢。我欠你一份人情。改日补上。

Subconsciously you know it to be so, as you agreed with the plan when you first volunteered for the experience.───下意识你知道这是如此,就如同使用商定的计划时,第一志愿的经验。

Good morning. I'm your new English teacher. I'm glad to meet all of you. First let me introduce myself to you.───早上好,我是你们新的英语老师,我很高兴见到你们.首先介绍一下我自己.。


When did you first encounter these difficulties?

When did you first miss your purse?

When did you first meet Dr Darnall?

I'll call you first thing tomorrow.

When did you first come over to China?

When did you first miss the necklace?

Where did you first meet your husband?

To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin.

When did you first fly solo?

  • your cost
  • you do not face
  • you are see
  • you can a
  • youdon tmarry
  • you make me
  • you sick
  • young driver support program
  • your skirt
  • you i you i
  • you are enough
  • you can try
  • you got that
  • you are golden
  • you need
  • you are my wish
  • you aredrink
  • you have not
  • you first
  • your funny
  • youth camp




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