yoga class───瑜伽课
form classes───形式类;词类
word classes───n.词类;字类
social classes───社会阶级;社会阶层(socialclass的复数形式)
coach classes───经济舱(等于economyclass)
lower classes───下层阶级;下层社会
club classes───(飞机等的)公务级
crystal classes───[晶体]晶类;晶族
foam glasses───[玻璃]泡沫玻璃;蜂窝状玻璃
woman who runs yoga classes is one of our clients, " he said.───他说道,“我们的客户有开瑜伽培训课的女性。”
Many gyms, community centers, and YMCAs offer yoga classes.───很多体育馆,社区,基督教青年会都开设瑜伽课程。
There are even yoga classes for people in their 70s!───甚至还有专为七十多岁银发族开设的瑜珈课程!
For the next three months, they participated in supervised yoga classes for 45 minutes at a time, three times a week.───接下来的三个月,他们在监督下参加每周三次每次45分钟的瑜珈班。
All this sweat has to go somewhere though and Bikram yoga classes are easy to spot because of people carrying around extra towels.───但是这些汗水一定得流到某个地方,高温瑜伽班很容易辨认,因为大家会带着特别厚的毛巾。
So right now in Asia they're doing a little bit of everything, so they're doing yoga classes, they're doing spin classes.───在亚洲我看到,她们喜欢尝试不同的课程,她们做瑜珈、做动感单车训练。
It was planned as a SOHO, with a space for the yoga classes run by the wife added to the house.───住户打算将其设计为一个SOHO,于办公和家庭为一体,并包含妻子经营的瑜伽课堂。
I must say it's a very common site at yoga classes this time of the year with Christmas approaching.───我不得不说,随着圣诞的临近,在一年的这个时候来瑜伽教室是再平常不过了。
He had the floorboards refinished, introduced weekly yoga classes and reduced the average age of Grange members to 35 from 65.───他将地板翻修了一遍,引进了一些一周一次的瑜伽课程,并把格兰其成员的平均年龄从65岁降到了35岁。
Encouraged by A-listers such as Trudie Styler and Christy Turlington, who claim they owe their perfectly honed bodies to yoga, around half a million of us now regularly attend yoga classes.
Those two little hyphenated words struck terror in the heart of some one eager for a weekend of yoga classes and silent breakfasts.
He attends regular yoga classes.
- yoga journal
- yoga classes