

词汇 wrist watch
释义 wrist watch
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wrist watches───n.手表

wristlet watch───手表


sunrise watch───二时班

wristlet watches───腕表

weight watcher───减肥者

night watch───守夜,值夜;值夜的人;守夜的班次

test match───国际橄榄球锦标赛;国际板球锦标赛


He tapped his wrist watch, then held up five fingers.───他轻轻地嗑了嗑他的手表, 然后伸出五个手指来.

He halted and looked for the third time at his wrist - watch.───他停了下来,第三次看手表.

She straps on a wrist watch.───她戴着一只手表.

I happened to be looking at her enormous - faced, chronographic - looking wrist - watch again.───我的目光恰好又落在她那块表盘硕大无朋 、 宛如计秒器的手表上.

The net buys CASIO wrist watch, give advices much please!───网购CASIO卡西欧手表, 请多指教!

We can pass only one wrist watch for each passenger free.───每位旅客只能免税带一只手表,按照规定,另一只表您得交税.

He could barely operate his wrist watch.───他几乎不能操作他的手表。

The boy knocked off a wrist watch.───那个男孩偷了一块表.

Where has sea gull wrist watch special counter Beijing?───海鸥手表专柜北京哪里有?

Sell your wrist watch and buy an alarm clock.───卖掉你的手表,买一台闹钟.

Be this several how much the Casio wrist watch?───卡西欧手表这几款多少钱?

Where has Suzhou downtown area to have discount wrist watch sell?───苏州市区哪里有打折的卡西欧手表卖?

He looked at his wrist - watch.───他看了一眼手表.

Any valuables such as gold, silver and wrist watch?───行李员:有金 、 银、手表这类贵重物品 吗 ?

What kind of wrist watch do you want?───你要什样的手表?

Scientists have long known that bees carry a sort of wrist watch inside their bodies.───科学家早已知道,蜜蜂在体内携带着某种手表。

O'Brien looked at his wrist - watch again.───奥勃良又看一眼手表.

I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.───我给我太太买了一只很好的手表作为生日礼。


She straps on a wrist watch.

  • wristband express




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