World Series───n.世界职业棒球大赛
world scales───世界运价表
World's Series───世界系列赛
comedy series───喜剧系列
normal series───[数]正规列;正规级数;标准系列
world beaters───举世无双的事物
world leaders───世界领导者;世界领袖
power series───[数]幂级数
of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played.───的世界职业棒球大赛开赛那天,当美国国歌奏响的那一刻,我产生了一种全新的情感。
The Red Sox clinched the World Series in game seven.───红袜队在世界大赛第七战赢得冠军.
He will instead contest the World Series by Renault championship in 2009.───不是竞赛的世界系列赛在2009年雷诺车队的一位女发言人证实.
day I can recite the lineup of Yankees starting players, complete with their positions and batting averages, for that World Series.───今日,我仍然能背出那场世界职业棒球大赛中洋基队选手的出场顺序,以及他们的位置和击球率。
On present form, can the Chicago Cubs ever win the World Series?───基于之前的表现, 芝加哥小熊队能赢得世界大赛 吗 ?
Champions of each league meet annually in the World Series.───每一协会冠军每年在世界棒球锦标赛上决赛.
It's not the real World Series.───这又不是真的世界联赛.
Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.───请说出过去十年中世界职业棒球大赛获奖者.
I put my shirt on the Cubs winning the World Series.───我把钱全压在小熊队能赢得世界联赛上.
In 1993, the Jays again reached the World Series, facing the Philadelphia Phillies.───1993年, 蓝鸟队再度打进世界大赛, 对手是费城费城人队.
of marketing by cellular carriers and HTC's own television ads during the baseball World Series, HTC says that number is up to 40 percent.───着服务商们的营销推广和在世界职业棒球大赛期间的电视广告,现在HTC宣称已经有40%的人听说过他们了。
Baseball's World Series is required viewing in North America.───世界棒球大赛则主要受到北美观众的青睐.
And in the end , it had a World Series trophy, too.───而最后的结果, 也就是世界大赛的冠军.
The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece.───世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。
And if a wild - card team wins the World Series, great.───如果一支外卡球队赢得了世界冠军, 太棒了.
Brad was always able to predict who would win World Series.───布莱德总是预测得出哪一队会赢得世界大赛冠军.
This is why the World Series of Poker is decided over a No - Limit Hold'Em table.───这就是为什么世界扑克比赛玩的就是这种无上限的牌.
Ah , a World Series title.───啊! 世界大赛的宝座.
The World Series is broadcast to Asia, Europ and South America.
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